REPLACEMENT CHARACTERS may be entered via the keyboard or clipboard as normal characters, or in #ASCII format. Up to 150 pairs of replacements strings may be defined. Each string is limited to 28 characters. Defined pairs are displayed in a scrollable list. Active strings (those actually used during processing) are shown in black. Inactive strings (ignored during processing) are drawn in gray. Inactive strings can be used for simple notation or to turn off sets without having to delete them from the list. Double-click on a replacement string in the scrollable list to insert it into the edit text fields. Change the order of replacement by option-dragging a string up or down the list. Replacement strings that ignore case when comparing the current “Find” string to existing text are italicized in the list. Option-double-click on a replacement string to quickly toggle ignoring of case. Use the tab key to select a text entry field or the scrollable list. If the scrollable list is outlined by a black rectangle, the up and down arrow keys may be used to highlight a replacement string entry. Use the ASCII pop-up menu to insert #ASCII codes for characters that are difficult to type or display a window containing a character table that can be used to locate and insert specific characters. When this windoid is displayed, typing a character highlights the appropriate character on the windoid’s chart; double-clicking on a character in the chart inserts that character into the current edit text field.